[RO] Dupa ce am vizitat Suedia (ps:si ne-am indragostit iremediabil de ea), am decis sa mergem sa o vizitam si pe vecina ei : Danemarca.
Am luam un avion din Stockholm in Malmo (am vrut sa vedem si acest orasel, este frumos, dar mai mult de o zi nu cred ca ai ce sa faci acolo), apoi am luat trenul si am mers in Copenhaga.
Am ajuns chiar repejor, conditiile au fost super bune in tren, sa cumparam bilet din gara ne-am descurcar, bagaje nu am avut – am calatorit doar cu un rucsac in spate.
In Copenhaga am luat o cazare in zona Nyhavn, o zina absolut superba, cu multe cladiri colorate, cu un vibe total aparte.
[EN] After we visited Sweden (ps: and we fell irreparably in love with it), we decided to go and visit its neighbor: Denmark.
We took a plane from Stockholm to Malmo (we wanted to see this town too, it’s beautiful, but I don’t think you have anything to do there for more than a day), then we took the train and went to Copenhagen.
I arrived really quickly, the conditions were super good on the train, we managed to buy a ticket from the station, I had no luggage – I only traveled with a backpack on my back.
In Copenhagen, I stayed in the Nyhavn area, an absolutely gorgeous area, with many colorful buildings, with a totally special vibe.
[RO] Zona este strabatuta de un rau pe care plutesc alene barci de diverse marimi si culori. Iti dau un pont: trezeste-te devreme si iesi la plimbare. Orasul o sa ti se para total diferit decat este pe timpul zilei. Este linistit, cuprins de o ceata totala, doar luminitele de la restaurante clipesc.
[EN] The area is crossed by a river on which boats of various sizes and colors float lazily. I’ll give you a tip: wake up early and go for a walk. The city will seem totally different to you than it is during the day. It is quiet, enveloped in a total fog, only the restaurant lights flicker.
Books, books, books
[RO] Daca esti cititor de cursa lunga, iti recomand sa dai o fuga la Books&Company. Este o librarie fermecatoare, cu multe titluri bune.
[EN] If you are a long-term reader, I recommend you to run to Books&Company. It is a charming bookstore with many good titles.
Delicious food
[RO] La capitolul restaurante, Copenhaga sta foarte bine. Peste tot pe unde am mers mancarea a fost delicioasa. Daca vrei un wrap healthy si delicios, iti recomand Wrap House. Combinatiile cu texturi si sosuri sunt fantastice! Si preturile super ok.
[EN] In terms of restaurants, Copenhagen (Denmark) is very good. Everywhere we went the food was delicious. If you want a healthy and delicious wrap, I recommend Wrap House. The combinations with textures and sauces are fantastic! And the prices are super ok.
A great coffee
[RO] Pentru o cafea buna si un brunch iti recomand Mad&Kaffe. Noi i-am dat nota 10!
[EN] For a good coffee and a brunch, I recommend Mad & Kaffe. We gave it a 10!
[RO] Nu uita sa vizitezi statuia lui Hans Christian Andersen, cel care a faurit unele dintre cele mai frumoase povesti. Peste drum de el, este Tivoli. Tivoli este locul unde te poti pierde o zi intreaga si nu te plictisesti. Este un parc de distracții decorat diferit in functie de sarbatori (Halloween, Craciun etc). Este musai sa mergeti acolo!
[EN] Don’t forget to visit the statue of Hans Christian Andersen, the one who created some of the most beautiful stories. Across the street from it is Tivoli. Tivoli is the place where you can get lost for a whole day and not get bored. It is an amusement park decorated differently depending on the holidays (Halloween, Christmas, etc.). You have to go there!
Danish currency
[RO] Peste tot am platit cu cardul, nu am avut nevoie sa schimbam euro in coroane daneze. Sunt super bine echipati, sa poti plati cu cardul oriunde, fara probleme. Ps: Danemarca este o tara extrem de scumpa, ai grija sa ai un buget destul de mare pentru a o vizita!
[EN] Everywhere I paid with the card, I didn’t need to change euros into Danish kroner. They are super well equipped, so you can pay with your card anywhere, without any problems. Ps: Denmark is an extremely expensive country, make sure you have a big enough budget to visit it!
[RO] Copenhaga este un oras superb. Poti sa stai o saptamana si tot nu reusesti sa il descoperi in intregime.
[EN] Copenhagen (Denmark) is a beautiful city. You can stay a week and still not manage to discover it in its entirety.
Here you can read about our trip in Sweden: click here.
[…] If you want to read more about how beautiful is Copenhagen, about food, accommodation, currency, about how expensive it is, where you can have a good coffee or a great meal, click here. […]