Stockholm Trips

Travel guide for Sweden – 5 things to visit in Stockholm

October 13, 2023
Reading Time: 4 minutes

[RO] Trebuie sa adaugi Suedia pe lista ta! Este o tara superba, care te va surprinde enorm. Noi am vizitat-o intr-o frumoasa toamna, cand soarele era inca bland dar gradele se apropiau de 0. Din toate calatoriile noastre, Suedia este favorita noastra. Mai jos aveti o lista cu 5 locuri pe care trebuie sa le vezi daca mergi in Suedia, mai exact in Stockholm.

[EN] You have to add Sweden to your list! It is a beautiful country, which will surprise you enormously. We visited it in a beautiful autumn, when the sun was still mild but the degrees were close to 0. Of all our trips, Sweden is our favorite. Below you have a list of 5 places that you must see if you go to Sweden, specifically in Stockholm.

1.Vasa museum

[RO] Este un muzeu maritim ce ne prezinta singurul vas intact din secolul 17, o corabie de război cu 64 de tunuri Vasa, scufundată în 1628. Corabia este pur si simplu impresionanta si partea frumoasa este ca puteti merge in diverse incaperi sa vedeti cum arata in realitate. De exemplu, pe noi ne-a surprins cat de joasa este zona tunurilor, nu ne asteptam.

[EN] It is a maritime museum that shows us the only intact ship from the 17th century, a warship with 64 guns, the Vasa, sunk in 1628. The ship is simply impressive and the beautiful part is that you can go to different rooms to see what it looks like in reality . For example, we were surprised by how low the area of the cannons is, we didn’t expect it.

2.Djugarden museum (viking museum)

[RO] Pai nu suntem pe taramul vikingilor? Bineinteles ca trebuie sa le aflam istoria, sa vedem cum au trait, unde au locuit, care le erau obiceiurile. Muzeul Djugarden este perfect pentru a le afla trecutul.

[EN] Well, aren’t we in the land of the Vikings? Of course we have to find out their history, to see how they lived, where they lived, what their customs were. The Djugarden Museum is perfect to learn about their past.

3.Paradox Museum

[RO] Aici sigur veti petrece cel putin 2h, este un muzeu cu numeroase incaperi, numeroase expozitii, toate super interesante. Va recomand sa cititi instructiunile de la fiecare incapere si sa faceti poze muuuulte!

[EN] You will definitely spend at least 2 hours here, it is a museum with many rooms, many exhibitions, all super interesting. I recommend that you read the instructions for each room and take lots of pictures!

4.Gamla Stan, the Old town

[RO] O plimbare pe malul apei, o cina la un restaurant dragut, o prajitura specifica locului – cam asa a fost o dupa amiaza de-a noastra. Gamla Stan este o zona superba, cu o arhitectura deosebita, pe alocuri chiar colorata.

[EN] A walk on the waterfront, a dinner at a nice restaurant, a cake specific to the place – that’s how our afternoon was. Gamla Stan is a superb area, with a special architecture, in some places even colorful.


[RO] Cred ca este cel mai important punct din toata lista – trebuie sa testati produsele lor de patiserie, retetele specifice Suediei. Tartele cu mar, tartele cu scortisoara, biscuitii cu ghimbir – m-as intoarce chiar acum in Suedia pentru aceste bunatati!

[EN] I think it’s the most important point in the whole list – you have to try their pastry products, the recipes specific to Sweden. Apple tarts, cinnamon tarts, ginger biscuits – I’d go back to Sweden right now for these treats!

Favorite country?

[RO] Care este tara ta de suflet? A noastra sigur este Suedia!

[EN] What is your soul country? Ours is definitely Sweden!

See you next time!


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