
2023 – Un an plin de calatorii

January 10, 2024
Reading Time: 4 minutes

[RO] Acesta a fost un an frumos. Un an greu, dar incredibil de frumos din punct de vedere al calatoriilor. Sa vedem ce tari am vizitat in 2023!

[EN] This has been a beautiful year. A difficult, but incredibly beautiful year from the point of view of travel. Let’s see which countries we visited in 2023!

Ianuarie – Februarie

[RO] In primele doua luni din 2023 ne-am plimbat prin Romania. Destinatiile noastre preferate au fost, evident, Campulung Moldovenesc si Vatra Dornei, unde ne-am bucurat din plin de zapada.

[EN] In the first two months of 2023, we walked around Romania. Our favorite destinations were, obviously, Campulung Moldovenesc and Vatra Dornei, where we thoroughly enjoyed the snow.


[RO] Dupa ce in Ianuarie si Februarie ne-am plimbat prin Romania, in Martie am decis ca e timpul sa zburam. Si am zburat la Londra. Am bifat o tara noua, Marea Britanie, am avut prima experienta de indoor flying si am vizitat studioul Harry Potter. Experiente fantastice!

[EN] After we walked around Romania in January and February, in March we decided it was time to fly. And I flew to London. I ticked off a new country, Great Britain, had my first indoor flying experience and visited the Harry Potter studio. Fantastic experiences!

Aprilie – Mai – Iunie

[RO] Aceste luni le-am petrecut cutreierand Romania, de la est la vest, de la nord la centru. Avem o tara superba, si in fiecare calatorie descoperim locuri noi, cazari inedite, glampinguri fantastice, este o placere sa te pierzi in muntii nostri!

[EN] I spent these months traveling Romania, from east to west, from north to center. We have a beautiful country, and in every trip we discover new places, unique accommodations, fantastic glampings, it’s a pleasure to get lost in our mountains!


[RO] In Iulie am facut un road trip prin Europa, cu prietenii nostri. A fost o experienta de nota 10, cu adrenalina si multi de “uau!”. Am vizitat urmatoarele tari: Ungaria, Slovenia, Italia, Croatia.

[EN] In July we made a road trip through Europe with our friends. It was a 10-point experience, with adrenaline and many “wows!”. I visited the following countries: Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia.


[RO] In August am mers prin Campulung Moldovenesc, Vama Buzaului, unde am descoperit un glamping tare fain despre care am scris aici. Ne-am pierdut prin paduri, am urcat munti, am atins varfuri, ne-am plimbat cu ATV-ul prin padure.

[EN] In August I went through Campulung Moldovenesc, Vama Buzaului, where I discovered a really cool glamping that I wrote about here. We got lost in the woods, climbed mountains, reached peaks, rode the ATV through the woods.


[RO] In Septembrie am mers pe meleagurile Maramuresului, unde ne-am bucurat din plin de culorile toamnei. Am facut drumetii si ca intotdeauna, am urcat pe munte.

Am dat o fuga si la Cluj, am fost la un festival de carte, am vizitat salina Turda.

[EN] In September we went to the lands of Maramures, where we fully enjoyed the autumn colors. I went hiking and as always, I climbed the mountain.

I also ran away to Cluj, I went to a book festival, I visited the Turda salt mine.


[RO] In Octombrie am decis ca e timpul sa zburam din nou. Am zburat in Luton (Marea Britanie) si Islanda, o locatie aflata de mult de wishlist-ul meu. Despre Islanda am scris aici,

[EN] In October we decided it was time to fly again. I flew to Luton (Great Britain) and Iceland, a location that has been on my wishlist for a long time. I wrote about Iceland here,



[RO] In Noiembrie am decis ca vrem sa descoperim mai multe locuri faine din Romania, mai multe cazari inedite despre care trebuie sa povestim tuturor. Asa ca am am mers spre Azuga, o zona superba, unde am stat la glampingul Wegloo despre care am povestit aici. Un iglu la poalele muntilor, cu sute de stele pe care le poti admira direct din pat. O minunatie, ce sa mai spunem!

[EN] In November we decided that we want to discover more cool places in Romania, more unique accommodations that we have to tell everyone about. So we went to Azuga, a gorgeous area, where we stayed at the Wegloo glamping that I told you about here. An igloo at the foot of the mountains, with hundreds of stars that you can admire directly from your bed. A wonder, what more can we say!


[RO] Decembrie a fost pentru odihna, pentru familie, pisici, Netflix si carti bune. Am stat cumintei pe langa casa, in weekenduri am facut cateva drumetii prin padurile din jurul orasului.

2023, multumim pentru amintiri. 2024, we are ready!

[EN] December was for rest, for family, cats, Netflix and good books. I stayed close to the house, on the weekends I went for a few hikes through the forests around the city.

2023, thanks for the memories. 2024, we are ready!

See you next time!


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