[RO] Daca vrei sa petreci o dupa amiaza departe de canicula din Iasi, o varianta buna este parcul de aventura Nativa. Eu am auzit recent de el si weekendul trecut am fost pentru prima oara cu prietenii acolo.
[EN] If you want to spend an afternoon away from the heat in Iasi, a good option is aventura park Nativa. I have recently heard of it and last weekend I was there for the first time with my friends.
Ce mi-a placut / What I liked
[RO] Mi-a placut ca aceasta locatie este in inima padurii, departe de traficul din oras. Desi era foarte cald afara, la umbra copacilor temperatura era perfecta. Aceasta locatie este perfecta atat pentru tinerii aventurieri cat si pentru familii cu copii mici. Pentru adulti aveti la dispozitie mai multe trasee: portocaliu, rosu, verde, albastru, negru. Nu mai stiu ordinea, dar la fiecare inceput de traseu aveti cate o tablita pe care scrie gradul de dificultate. Sunt trasee usoare, medii si grele, deci daca nu aveti forma fizica prea buna, va puteti bucura de traseele usoare. Si pentru copii sunt trasee usurele, tare dragute. Pentru adulti aveti si un super traseu format numai din tiroliene, pentru adrenalina maxima.
[EN] I liked that the location is in the middle of the forest, away from the city traffic. Although it was really hot outside, the shade provided by the trees was making it so much better. This location is perfect both for young adventurers and families with children. Adults have a variety of courses to choose from: orange, red, green, blue, black. I can’t remember the difficulty of each one, but at the beginning of each course you have a small board with the details. You can find easy, medium and hard courses, so if you are not in the best shape, you can still enjoy the easy courses. Children also have easy, cute courses.
[RO] Dupa ce ne-am echipat, instructorii ne-au facut un instructaj si ne-au explicat super bine regulile pentru a ne distra in siguranta. Oricum ei au fost mereu prin zona si in caz ca nu reuseam sa terminam un traseu erau pregatiti sa intervina sa ne ajute sa coboram – din fericire nu a fost nevoie de interventia lor.
[EN] After we geared up, the people there instructed us on how to use the equipment and explained us the rules to keep us safe. They were around at all times in case we were having a hard time finishing a course, or to help us in case we were too scared to finish it – luckily it was not the case.
[RO] Pe langa aceste trasee, Nativa va pune la dispozitie un spatiu de joaca pentru copiii micuti, tir cu arcul, o terasa unde puteti servi ceva rece (nu stiu daca se poate manca acolo sau e doar pentru a bea ceva, noi nu am stat la terasa) si bancute sa va bucurati de umbra copacilor.
[EN] Besides courses, Nativa also has a playground for kids, archery, an outdoor restaurant where you can serve something cold (not sure if you can eat there, or it’s just for drinks, we haven’t tried it) and benches to enjoy the shade.
[RO] Un alt lucru care mi-a placut mult a fost lipsa aglomeratiei. Mai ales in aceasta perioada in care un virus face ravagii in lume, m-am bucurat ca la Nativa a fost chiar liber, pentru cateva ore am uitat de pandemie, de reguli, de griji.. In mijlocul padurii, unde distantarea sociala era naturala deoarece spatiul era foarte mare si putini oameni, m-am simtit..normal.
[EN] Another thing that I really liked was the lack of crowds. Especially now when a virus is roaming across the world, I liked that there were not so many people there. For a few hours I forgot about the pandemic, the rules, the worries. In the middle of the forest, where social distance comes natural because the place was huge, I felt…normal.
[RO] Locatia acestui parc este semnalizata, veti gasi indicatoare odata ajunsi in zona, dar daca puneti gps-ul nu veti intampina probleme sa o gasiti.
[EN] The location is well marked with road signs, but if you have a GPS, use it and you won’t have any issues finding the place.
[RO] Daca vreti sa petreceti o duminica departe de zgomotul orasului sau daca sunteti turisti in Iasi si doriti sa va testati limitele, va recomand cu drag parcul de aventura Nativa.
[EN] If you want to spend a Sunday away from city noise, or if you’re a tourist in Iasi and want to test your limits, I definitely recommend Nativa adventure parc.
See you next time!
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