Austria Trips Viena

Travel guide for Vienna – What is our impression about this city

October 4, 2022
Reading Time: 3 minutes

[RO] In august am avut aniversarea de 6 ani de la nunta si am decis sa ii fac sotului o surpriza: o vacanta in Viena! Aceasta a fost prima vizita in Austria, Viena era pe lista sotului de muuult timp.

[EN] In August I celebrated my 6th wedding anniversary and I decided to surprise my husband: a vacation in Vienna! This was the first visit to Austria, Vienna had been on my husband’s list for a long time.

[RO] Am zburat direct Iasi-Viena, un zbor scurtut si linistit. In Viena am ales sa ne cazam la Hotel Flemings, chiar in inima orasului. Locatia a fost de nota 10, am ajuns peste tot foarte repede. Si camera a fost superba.

[EN] I flew directly Iasi-Vienna, a short and quiet flight. In Vienna we chose to stay at Hotel Flemings, right in the heart of the city. The location was a 10, I got everywhere very quickly. And the room was gorgeous.


Ce mi-a placut in Viena? What I liked in Vienna?

[RO] Vibe-ul. Tanar, eferverscent, plin de viata. Am prins si un festival de film, cu strazi inchise si Aperol la fiecare masa.

LGBTQ+ friendly. Cred in dragoste, in oameni, asa ca am fost foarte happy sa vad ca Viena este LGBTQ friendly. Trecerea de pietoni era colorata, semaforul era simpatic.

[EN] The vibe. Young, effervescent, full of life. I also caught a film festival, with closed streets and Aperol at every table.

LGBTQ+ friendly. I believe in love, in people, so I was very happy to see that Vienna is LGBTQ friendly. The pedestrian crossing was colorful, the traffic light was nice.

[RO] Arhitectura. Oriunde te uiti, nu poti sa nu spui: “Mama ce cladire faina!”

[EN] Architecture. Wherever you look, you can’t help but say: “Damn, what a great building!”


[RO] Terasele. Toate boeme, te indemnau la o cafea.

Masini electrice. Am ramas surprinsa de numarul de masini electrice vazute. Mult mai mare decat in Romania..

Oamenii. Ca si caracter, mi s-au parut putin mai reci. Sau poate sunt eu obisnuita cu romanii nostri vorbareti, prietenosi, zambareti, gata sa te puna la masa daca vii la ei in vizita.

Vegan friendly. Daca esti vegetarian (ca mine) sau vegan, Viena te asteapta cu muuulte meniuri delicioase. Ai zeci de locatii unde poti lua masa, zeci de preparate fantastice. Big like!

[EN] The terraces. All bohemians, invite you to a coffee.
Electric cars. I was surprised by the number of electric cars seen. Much bigger than in Romania…

The people. As a character, they seemed a little colder to me. Or maybe I’m used to our talkative, friendly, smiling Romanians, ready to put you to the table if you come to visit them.

Vegan friendly. If you are vegetarian (like me) or vegan, Vienna awaits you with many delicious menus. You have dozens of places where you can dine, dozens of fantastic dishes. Big likes!


[RO] Ne vom reintoarce in Viena? Definitely!

[EN] Will we return to Vienna? Definitely!

See you next time!


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