Marea Neagra

Mini vacanta la mare in vreme de pandemie

August 2, 2020
Reading Time: 5 minutes

RO: Dupa atatea luni de stat in casa din cauza pandemiei, s-a ivit ocazia sa mergem la mare 5 zile cu prietenii, o mica vacanta. Ne-a fost mult prea frica sa zburam in alta tara, asa ca am ales Eforie Nord. Inainte sa va povestesc cum a fost acolo, tin sa mentionez ca eu si sotul suntem in categoria de oameni usor panicati/foarte atenti cand vine vorba de virus. In toata aceasta perioada am dezinfectat casa cel putin o data pe zi, am dezinfectat mereu toate cumparaturile, nu am mers in zone aglomerate, am mers la cumparaturi o data pe saptamana, am purtat MEREU masca cand am parasit casa, ne-am spalat pe maini pana ni s-a dus doua straturi de piele, am dezinfectat chiar si scara blocului. Poate veti spune ca suntem paranoici, dar better safe than sorry.

EN: After too many months of staying indoor due to pandemic, we had the chance of going to the seaside for 5 days with some friends. We were too scared to fly to a different country, so we chose Eforei Nord. Before telling you how it went, I want to mention that me and my husband are very careful (slightly anxious) when it comes to COVID-19. Throughout the pandemic we regularly cleaned the house, disinfected our groceries, avoided crowded areas, went shopping once a week, always wore a mask, washed our hands and even disinfected the entrance in the building. Maybe you’ll say we are paranoid, but better safe than sorry.


RO: Acum sa va povestesc despre vacanta. Sincer a fost prima vacanta in care nu am fost stresata de buget ci de siguranta. M-am bucurat cand s-a terminat concediul si am ajuns in siguranta casei mele. Prietenii cu care am fost la mare erau si ei la fel de panicati ca noi, deci ne-am potrivit. Noi eram singurii “ciudati” care mergeau peste tot cu masca, chiar daca erau 30 de grade afara si abia puteam respira. Am mancat la un singur restaurant in Eforie Nord (restaurantul hotelului Union), unul care respecta regulile: chelnerii aveau masti si manusi, dezinfectau mesele dupa fiecare grup, mesele erau distantate. Cand era aglomerat acest restaurant, mergeam in Constanta sau mancam la camera. In Constanta am mancat la D’Italy, The Muse si Souvlaki Bar. Aceste 3 locatii au fost recomandarile primite de la voi, pe instagram.

EN: Now let me tell you about our holiday. To be honest it was the very first holiday in which I didn’t felt concerned about budget, but about health and safety. I was glad when it was over and when I got back to the security of my house. Our friends were also anxious, so we were a good match. We were the ‘freaks’ who wore a mask wherever we went, despite being 30 degrees and the air was barely breathable. We ate at a single restaurant in Eforei Nord (Hotel Union Restaurant), one that respects the rules: the waiters had masks and gloves, the tables were constantly disinfected after each group, there was space between tables. When the place was too crowded we chose to travel to Constanta or eat at our hotel room. In Constanta we ate at D’Italy, The Muse and Souvlaki Bar. These 3 locations were recommendations which I received from you on Instagram.

RO: Cand am mers la masa am stat cu masca pana a venit mancarea. Am dezinfectat solnita daca am folosit-o, ne-am dezinfectat pe maini de fiecare data cand am atins ceva : meniul, paharul de suc, scaunul, banii. Am dezinfectat chiar si telefonul. Am avut o sticluta cu spirt la noi si am folosit-o din plin!

EN: When we were serving dinner or launch, we always kept our masks on until the food was served. We disinfected the salt and pepper containers if we planned on using them, we disinfected our hands each time we touched either the menu, the money or the chair. We even disinfected the phone. We had a bottle of spirit with us and we made good use of it.

RO: Evident, am fost echipati cu spirt, servetele dezinfectante, masti, am cumparat de la Iasi chiar si sapun Protex pentru la hotel. Seara am iesit doar pe faleza, in timp ce toata lumea se distra in baruri sau in parcurile de distractii, dansau sau socializau. Noi am preferat sa ne plimbam pe faleza pentru ca era pustiu. In serile cand era aglomerat, am ramas la hotel si am jucat boardgames.

EN: We obviously have been equipped with masks, wet napkins, spirit, even Protex soap to use at the hotel. In the evening we went out only on the beach, while everyone else was having fun in bars, pubs, dancing and socializing. We preferred to walk on the beach because there was harldy anyone. In the evenings when the beach was getting too crowded, we remained at the hotel, playing boardgames.

RO: La plaja, alta distractie. Am luat sezlonguri departe de apa, departe de alti oameni. In apa eram cu ochii in patru sa nu cumva sa vina cineva prea aproape de noi. Am decalat orele de luat masa, pentru a evita aglomeratia, asa ca in timp ce lumea era la plaja, noi eram la masa si invers.

EN: On the beach, during the day, same story. We took chairs far away from the water, away from other people. When we were in the water, we always looked out around us to avoid situations in which other people got too close to us. We delayed our lunch and dinner to avoid the crowds, so we tried to dine while other were at the beach and vice-versa.

RO: Cam asa a fost pentru noi in aceasta vacanta. Stresant, daca ar fi sa rezum intr-un singur cuvant. Si frustrant pentru ca 95% dintre oamenii de pe litoral nu pastrau distanta sociala, nu purtau masti, nu evitau deloc aglomeratiile, parea ca si cum am pasit intr-o alta lume, in una in care noi eram ciudatii care ne ferim de un virus pe care ei nu il vad. Lumea era relaxata, dorea doar sa se distreze, doar erau in vacanta. Si ii inteleg, doar ca am fost trista sa vad ca nimeni nu realiza ca litoralul este un incubator pentru virus, daca nu ai grija.

EN: That’s pretty much how this holiday went. It was stresfull, if I were to resume in a single word. And frustrating because 95% of the people there didn’t keep their distance, didn’t wear any masks, didn’t avoid crowded places at all. It was like being on another planet, in which we were the freaks trying to dodge a virus which they can’t see. People were relaxed, only looking to have fun. And I can understand that, but still I was sad because nobody seem to realise that the seaside is the perfect incubation place for the virus if you are not careful.

RO: Personal, ma bucur ca s-a terminat vacanta deoarece din punct de vedere psihic a fost stresanta. Nu ma asteptam sa fie asa, daca stiam la ce stres ma voi expune, renuntam la vacanta anul acesta.

EN: Personally I am glad that the holiday is over because it has been stresfull. I didn’t expect it to be like that. If I knew what I was going to find there, I’d given up on this holiday this year.

RO: Evident ca acum vom sta in casa 2 saptamani, pentru sanatatea celor din jurul nostru, chiar daca ne-am luat toate masurile posibile de precautie cat am fost plecati.

EN: Obviously now we’ll stay indoor for 2 weeks, for the health of the people around us, despite taken all the precautions while we were gone.

RO: Nu o sa va spun sa renuntati la concedii, dar o sa va spun sa aveti grija, sa realizati la ce riscuri va expuneti. Purtati masca, atat pentru voi, cat si pentru cei dragi voua.

EN: I’m not telling you to give up on your holidays, but I am telling you to be cautious, to understand the risks, Wear a mask, both for you and your loved ones

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