RO: Pe 21 mai am fost cu sotul la padocul din Tomesti. Ne doream de mult un catel pentru noua casuta, daca ma urmariti pe instagram probabil stiti ca suntem in procesul de constructie a unei case. Well, ce fel de curte e aia fara un catel prin ea? Zis si facut, am mers la padoc si dupa vreo jumatate de ora de plimbat printre tarcurile cateilor, am gasit catelul perfect pentru noi: cel mai linistit catel (Brownie), care ne urmarea temator cu privirea, dar care voia sa vina la noi.
EN: On May 21st I went with my husband at the dog shelter in Tomesti. We wanted a dog for a long time for the new house; if you follow me on instagram you already know that we’re building a house. Well, what kind of yard is that without a dog? As we said, we went to the shelter and after a half an hour of walking through the dog’s enclosures, we found the perfect dog for us: the quietest dog, who watched us fearfully but who wanted to came to us.
RO: Am stiut din prima clipa ca el e alesul. L-am luat si cat am stat in cabinet sa facem documentele de adoptie, Brownie (datorita culorii si caracterului i-am pus numele Brownie) deja se gudura pe langa noi, isi punea boticul in palma noastra, se ascundea pe dupa picioarele noastre. De la padoc l-am luat sterilizat, cu vaccinul antirabic facut si cu microcipul pus. A fost suuper cumintel in masina, nu a scos nici un zgomot, a stat cu boticul pe labe tot drumul. Din cate ni s-a zis, Brownie a fost recuperat de pe strazi, iar pe botic cel mai probabil l-a ars cineva. In unele sate se practica arderea cateilor pe botic pana la os, cu un fier incins, ca “tratament” impotriva jigodiei. Evident, este cea mai stupida idee ever, dar din pacate inca se practica astfel de tampenii in unele locuri..
EN: We knew from the first moment that he is the chosen one. We took him and while we were in the office to do the adoption papers, Brownie (because of the colour and his personality we named him Brownie) already fawned us, he put his nose in our hand, he was hiding behind our legs. He was already sterilized at the shelter and he also got the rabies vaccines and the microchip. In the car he was so quiet, he made no noise, he stood with the snout on his feet all for the entire trip. The man from the shelter told us that Brownie was rescued from the street and his mark on the nose is most likely a burn. In some villages, people used to burn dogs’ noses to the bone, with a hot iron, to heal the dogs from some diseases. Of course, this is the most stupid idea ever, but unfortunately, in some places people still do this kind of s**t..
RO: Cand am ajuns la teren a fost atat de happy! A inceput sa alerge prin curte, dar fara sa ne scape din ochi. Se lipea incontinuu de noi si voia sa ne dea pupici intruna . Este o scumpete de catel! Urmatoarea zi l-am dus la veterinar. I-a facut un consult, l-a spalat bine bine (acum miroase a vanilie ), i-a facut vaccinul, ne-a dat pipeta pentru deparazitare interna si externa, ne-a dat vitamine pentru blanita si imunitate si bobite mai bune decat am luat noi (acestea le-am primit cadou). Evident, cand am mers inapoi la teren, a preferat sa faca o “baie” in pamant de retinut: nu ii place vanilia. Multumim Clinica Veterinară Sante Vet din Iasi ca ati avut grija de baiatul nostru ❤️
EN: When we got to our house he was so happy! He started to run all over the place, but always kept his eyes on us. He followed us everywhere and kissed us constantly. He’s such a lovely dog! The next day we took him to the vet. The doctor verified him, washed it very well (now he smells like vanilla), gave him the yearly vaccine. Also, the doctor gave us a solution for killing internal and extrnal parasites, vitamins for Brownie’s fur and immunity, and some good food (the food was a gift from the doctor for Brownie). When we got home, Brownie preferred to take a bath in the sand. One think to keep in mind: he doesn’t like vanilla :)). Many thanks to the Sante Vet veterinary from Iasi ‘cuz you guys took care of our boy ❤️
RO: Daca va doriti un catel, sfatul meu este sa adoptati unul, nu sa cumparati. Si cateii din adaposturi va pot iubi, poate chiar si mai mult decat cei din magazine. Si ei pot fi frumosi si dragastosi. Au nevoie doar de o familie.
EN: If you want a dog, my advice is to adopt one, not to buy. The dogs from the shelter can also love you, maybe even more than the dogs from the store. Dogs from shelters can be nice and devoted as well. They just need a family.
See you next time!
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[…] multe discutii am ajuns la concluzia ca noi nu suntem compatibili cu un apartament. Ne dorim un catel (acum il avem), ne dorim spatiu exterior pentru o mica gradina de legume, pentru un foisor, un […]