[RO] Islanda, un loc unic in lume, un taram al vikingilor, unde focul se intalneste cu gheata. Pe cat e de frumoasa aceasta insula, pe atat de periculoasa poate fi vremea, mai ales daca nu ai echipamentul necesar.
Noi am fost in Islanda la final de octombrie si pot spune ca au fost zile in care am prins toate cele 4 anotimpuri, la un interval de cateva ore. Astazi vom povesti despre ce echipament avem nevoie ca sa fim in siguranta si sa ne putem bucura de vacanta.
Vremea fiind foarte schimbatoare, avem nevoie de imbracaminte pe straturi.
[EN] Iceland, a unique place in the world, a land of the Vikings, where fire meets ice. As beautiful as this island is, the weather can be so dangerous, especially if you don’t have the necessary equipment.
We were in Iceland at the end of October and I can say that there were days when we caught all 4 seasons, at an interval of a few hours. Today we will talk about what equipment we need to be safe and to be able to enjoy the vacation.
The weather being very changeable, we need layered clothes.
Incaltaminte | Footwear
[RO] Incaltamintea trebuie sa fie tehnica, pentru drumetii, groasa. Nu adidasi, nu tocuri (desi nu cred ca mai era nevoie sa precizez). Nu botine, nu ghetute cu toc/platforma. Sosete speciale pentru hiking, care sa te ajute sa nu transpiri, sa nu te incomodeze si sa iti tina cald. Nu pufosenii/ciorapei cute random. Eu am avut sosete de merino, dar nu mai gasesc linkul. Au fost luate de la Decathlon.
Pentru incaltaminte am avut acesti papuci link aici, de la The North Face.
[EN] Footwear must be technical, for hiking, thick. No sneakers, no heels (although I don’t think it was necessary to specify). No ankle boots, no heel/platform boots. Special socks for hiking, which will help you not sweat, not make you uncomfortable and keep you warm. Not the fluffies/random cute socks. I had merino socks, but I can’t find the link anymore. They were taken from Decathlon.
For shoes I had these slippers link here, from The North Face.
Imbracaminte | Clothing
[RO] Din cauza vremii schimbatoare, trebuie sa gandesti imbracamintea pe layere: tricou (de preferat din merinos), bluza, hanorac, geaca. Astfel vei putea jongla cu ele.
Eu am avut doua tricouri, de merinos, de la Decathlon, link aici.
Bluza cea mai des folosita a fost aceasta, de la NordBlanc. Este o bluza dintr-un material foarte ușor și elastic, ce păstrează căldură, îndepărtează umiditatea și vă ține de cald.
Acest hanorac, tot de la NordBlanc, l-am folosit ca al doilea strat cand am stiut ca am de facut plimbari mai lungi, dar nu foarte obositoare.
Alte doua hanorace pe care le-am folosit foarte mult au fost: acesta si acesta. Practic un singur model in doua culori, dar este hanoracul perfect. Sotul l-a avut pe acesta.
[EN] Because of the changeable weather, you have to think about clothing in layers: t-shirt (preferably made of merino), blouse, sweatshirt, jacket. That way you will be able to juggle them.
I had two t-shirts, merino, from Decathlon, link here.
The blouse most often used was this one, from NordBlanc. It is a blouse made of a very light and elastic material, which retains heat, removes moisture and keeps you warm.
This hoodie, also from NordBlanc, I used it as a second layer when I knew I had longer, but not very tiring, walks to do.
Two other hoodies that I used a lot were: this and this. Practically only one model in two colors, but it is the perfect hoodie. The husband had this one.
Geaca | Jacket
[RO] Geaca trebuie sa fie neaparat anti vant si impermeabila. O pelerina de ploaie poate fi foarte utila, cu umbrela nu ai ce sa faci, vantul din Islanda ti-o va distruge in cateva secunde (da, am vazut persoane care au incercat sa foloseasca umbrela). Eu am avut geaca aceasta, de la Decathlon, pentru -20 de grade Celsius (sunt friguroasa). Geaca a fost impermeabila, am trecut pe sub o cascada, un gheizer a explodat pe mine si nu am avut probleme, apa nu a trecut de ea. Vantul nu l-am simtit absolut deloc.
[EN] The jacket must necessarily be windproof and waterproof. A raincoat can be very useful, with the umbrella you have nothing to do, the wind will destroy it in a few seconds (yes, I saw people who tried to use the umbrella). I had this, jacket, from Decathlon, for -20 degrees Celsius (I’m cold). The jacket was waterproof, I passed under a waterfall, a geyser exploded on me and I had no problems, the water didn’t get past it. I didn’t feel the wind at all.
Pantaloni | Pants
[RO] Pantalonii pe care i-am avut au fost acestia. Interior din polar călduros, exterior din material hidrofob, pentru confort. Colantii pe care i-am avut sunt aici.
[EN] The pants I had were these. Warm fleece interior, hydrophobic exterior for comfort. The tights I had are here.
Accesorii | Accessory
[RO] Caciula pe care am purtat-o in Islanda a fost aceasta. Pentru gat/fata am avut un guler de merino care mi-a prins extrem de bine. Si evident, manusi. Pe acestea le-am luat tot de la Decathlon, dar nu mai am link.
Islanda este o insula speciala, natura va ofera un spectacol nemaipomenit de fenomene, culori si peisaje. Cu echipamentul potrivit, energie si precautie o sa aveti vacanta perfecta.
[EN] The hat I wore in Iceland was this one. For the neck/face I had a merino collar that fit me extremely well. And obviously, gloves. I also got these from Decathlon, but I no longer have the link.
Iceland is a special island, nature offers you an incredible show of phenomena, colors and landscapes. With the right equipment, energy and caution you will have the perfect vacation.
See you next time!
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