Grecia Zakynthos

Zakynthos – general impressions, accommodation, transport, food

July 8, 2022
Reading Time: 6 minutes

[RO] Asa cum v-am povestit si aici, in perioada 26 iunie 2022 – 03 iulie 2022 am fost in Zakynthos, o insulita greceasca. Am avut zbor direct Iasi – Zakynthos, la un pret decent (Blue Air). Despre ce puteti vizita in Zakynthos, cititi in articolul acesta. Va avertizez, o sa vreti sa va mutati acolo !

Noi ne-am cazat in Laganas, noua capitala a distractiei din Grecia. Este un fel de Costinesti, dar mai fain. Daca vrei sa petreci zi si noapte, sa dansezi, sa bei un cocktail pe malul marii la 2 noaptea, sa mergi din club in club – Laganas te asteapta.

Oferta de cluburi este incredibila, locul pur si simplu vibreaza. Plaja din statiune este superba, apa calda (chiar cea mai calda apa din toate plajele vizitate), valuri putine. Seara am observat ca era mai murdarica, se adunau multe alte la mal.

[EN] As I told you, between June 26, 2022 and July 3, 2022, I was in Zakynthos, a small Greek island. I had a direct flight from Iasi – Zakynthos, at a decent price (Blue Air). Read about what you can visit in Zakynthos in this article. I warn you, will you want to move there!

We stayed in Laganas, the new entertainment capital of Greece. It is a kind of Costinesti, but nicer. If you want to spend day and night, dance, drink a cocktail on the beach at 2 in the morning, go from club to club – Laganas is waiting for you.

The offer of clubs is incredible, the place simply vibrates. The resort beach is gorgeous, warm water (even the warmest water of all the beaches visited), little waves. In the evening I noticed that it was dirtier, many others were gathering on the shore.

Cazare | Accommodation

[RO] Noi am fost cazati la Athina Studio, o pensiune ce a fost complet renovata anul acesta. Proprietarii sunt super de treaba, Nana (doamna) ne intreba zilnic daca avem nevoie de ceva, daca ne poate ajuta cu ceva, daca totul e in regula.

Ne-a oferit recomandari de restaurante, ne-a ajutat cu transportul de la pensiune la aeroport (15 euro, cu taxiul am dat 25 euro), ne-a indrumat sa inchiriem masina, sa luam croaziere. Big like! Asa da atitudine.

Finisajele din camera erau superioare, nu plastice, nu chestii rupte, nu glet dat aiurea, nu var scorojit. Designul camerei mi-a placut mult, a fost modern, aerisit (designerul din mine a fost happy), cromatica superba.

Noi am rezervat prin booking, dar daca discutati direct cu proprietarii puteti obtine un pret mai bun decat pe booking :). Proprietatea e la 150m de plaja, noi faceam cam 3 minute pe jos. E bine ca e la 3 min de plaja, a fost liniste ?. Daca eram chiar pe plaja, zgomotul de la cluburi ne-ar fi deranjat.

Evident, camera este dotata cu AC (nu poti trai fara el acolo), o bucatarie micuta complet utilata, baie, balcon etc. Sunt si cateva locuri de parcare chiar la proprietate, locuri umbrite (foarte important ca sa nu te topesti cand intri in masina ).

[EN] We stayed at Athina Studio, a guesthouse that was completely renovated this year. The owners are super helpful, Nana (the lady) asked us daily if we needed anything, if she could help us with something, if everything was okay.

He gave us restaurant recommendations, helped us with transportation from the guesthouse to the airport (15 euros, with the taxi we paid 25 euros), guided us to rent a car, to take cruises. Big likes! That’s the attitude.

The finishes in the room were superior, no plastic, no broken stuff, no loose plaster, no slaked lime. I really liked the design of the room, it was modern, airy (the designer in me was happy), the colors were gorgeous.

We booked through booking, but if you talk directly with the owners you can get a better price than through booking :). The property is 150m from the beach, we used to walk about 3 minutes. It’s good that it’s 3 minutes from the beach, was it quiet? If we were right on the beach, the noise from the clubs would have disturbed us.

Obviously, the room is equipped with AC (you can’t live without it there), a fully equipped small kitchen, bathroom, balcony, etc. There are also some parking spaces right at the property, shaded places (very important so you don’t melt when you get in the car).

Transport | Transport

[RO] Pentru a ajunge pe insulita, am avut bilete de avion Iasi – Zakynthos, zbor direct, pret decent. De la aeroport din Zakynthos pana in Laganas la proprietate un taxi ne-a luat 25 euro (un pret aproape corect). De la aeroport pana la cazare sunt cam 7km.

Pe insulita am inchiriat o masina pentru 2 zile, nu am dat nici o garantie, a fost 50 euro pe zi. Cu masina am mers sa vedem plaja Navagio de pe stanci, am fost in Zante, pe dealul Bohali, parcul Askos, plaja Kalamaki. Cum a fost in fiecare loc puteti citi aici.

Pentru a ajunge la insulitele din zona, am apelat la Cavo Grosso. De la ei am luat 3 croaziere: Blue caves+Navagio (cu vaporul piratilor), Kerry caves (cu un speed boat) si Marathonissi Island (+turtle spotting).

[EN] To get to the island, I had plane tickets Iasi – Zakynthos, direct flight, decent price. From Zakynthos airport to Laganas, a taxi cost us 25 euros (an almost fair price). It is about 7km from the airport to the accommodation.

On the island I rented a car for 2 days, I didn’t give any guarantee, it was 50 euros per day. By car we went to see Navagio beach from the rocks, we went to Zakynthos, Bohali hill, Askos park, Kalamaki beach. You can read how it was in each place here.

To reach the islets in the area, we called Cavo Grosso. We took 3 cruises from them: Blue caves+Navagio (with the pirate ship), Kerry caves (with a speed boat) and Marathonissi Island (+turtle spotting).

Restaurante | Food

[RO] In Laganas trebuie sa mancati neaparat la El Greco , o taverna in zona poduletului spre insula Cameo (pe care clar trebuie sa o vizitati). Taverna este suuperba, traditionala si mancarea delicioasa.

Alte locuri unde se mananca bine de tot: Horizon, Blue Sea, Balsamico, The Isles, Eat Greek (mancare extraordinara, pret mic fata de restul, e genul de loc unde mergi sa iei un gyros sau un souvlaki rapid; mai mult ca un fastfood dar bun tare), Carpe Diem.

O masa ajunge cam 20 euro de persoana (un fel principal si o bautura). Seara/noaptea pe plaja gasesti muulte beanbag-uri, masute, faclii arzand, toate pregatite sa iti ofere o atmosfera relaxanta, perfecta pentru un cocktail cu partenerul/partenera sau prietenii.

[EN] In Laganas, you must eat at El Greco, a tavern in the podlet area towards Cameo island (which you clearly must visit). The tavern is beautiful, traditional and the food is delicious.

Other places where they eat well: Horizon, Blue Sea, Balsamico, The Isles, Eat Greek (extraordinary food, low price compared to the rest, it’s the kind of place where you go to get a gyros or a quick souvlaki; more like a fast food but really good), Carpe Diem.

A meal costs about 20 euros per person (a main course and a drink). In the evening/night on the beach you will find many beanbags, tables, burning torches, all prepared to offer you a relaxing atmosphere, perfect for a cocktail with your partner or friends.

[RO] Overall ne-a placut mult in Zakynthos, as reveni cu mare drag pe aceasta insulita. Daca ar fi sa aleg o cazare as merge tot la Athina Studio, tot in Laganas. Acolo chiar simti ca traiesti, totul este perfect.

[EN] Overall, we really liked Zakynthos, I would love to return to this island. If I had to choose an accommodation, I would go to Athina Studio, also in Laganas. You really feel like you live there, everything is perfect.

Ce insula greceasca recomanzi tu? | Which Greek island do you recommend?

See you next time!


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1 Comment

  • Reply Ce sa nu ratezi in Zakynthos - 8 obiective de bifat - Dream.Seek.Love. July 8, 2022 at 2:30 pm

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